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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information, Cash Management, Security, My Account Information, Transfers
What is NetConnect Online Banking?
NetConnect Online Banking is an Internet-based service that provides you a safe and convenient way to do your banking. With NetConnect, you can:
  • View account balances and review transactions
  • Transfer funds between St. Johns Bank accounts
  • Transfer funds to make a loan payment
  • Confirm which checks, deposits, withdrawals and ATM transactions have cleared
  • Pay bills online
  • Create account pseudo names for personalized, quick and easy reference
  • Export your banking information to personal financial management software such as Intuit QuickBooks® or Microsoft Money®
  • Communicate directly with the bank via secure message
What is Bill Pay?
Bill Pay is a feature of NetConnect Online Banking that allows you to pay your bills online - anytime, anywhere. With just a few clicks, Bill Pay lets you set up your bills to be paid, either once or on a recurring basis, to nearly any person or business in the United States.

What do I need to use NetConnect?
  • A St. Johns Bank checking account
  • A computer with Internet access
  • An email address
  • An Internet Browser
What do I need to use Bill Pay?
A St. Johns Bank checking account
Copies of your paper bills to begin adding payees

How much does Online Banking cost?
There is no monthly service fee for NetConnect for either personal or business accounts. It's free to use whenever and wherever you'd like.

How much does Bill Pay cost?
Bill Payment is free for personal accounts. If you are a sole proprietor and your Social Security number is your Tax ID number on your business account, you also qualify for free Bill Payment. For business accounts, Bill Payment is $5.95 per month plus $.50 per bill payment. Any applicable Bill Payment fees will be charged each month to the checking account that you designated at enrollment.

How do I enroll?
Enrolling is easy. Click LOGIN at the top right corner of the home page and choose Enroll for either Personal or Business Banking.  For Personal Enrollment, complete and submit the NetConnect Online Banking Application.  For Business Enrollments, please print and complete the application and return to the bank. You will receive your NetConnect login ID and password in separate communications. Or, visit the St. Johns Bank branch nearest you to enroll.

Can I begin using NetConnect immediately?
No. You will need to wait until you have received your login ID via U.S. Postal Mail. Your login ID will arrive within 3-5 business days after you enroll. Within that same timeframe, your password will be emailed to the email address you specified on your enrollment form. Once you have both your login ID and password, you will be able to use NetConnect.

How do I sign in?
Once you are enrolled and have received your login ID and password, visit www.stjohnsbank.com and click LOGIN in the top right corner of the home page, enter your username and click SIGN IN, enter your password and click SUBMIT. 

Can I use any Internet Service Provider?
Yes. You can access our web site through almost any Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Can I access my accounts from anywhere?
Yes. You can use Online Banking from anywhere in the world as long as you have a connection to the Internet and a supported Internet browser.

Can I link my business accounts to my personal accounts?
Only if you are a sole proprietor and your Social Security number is your Tax ID number on your business account.

Can I enroll in Bill Pay after I have already enrolled for Online Banking?
For Personal Accounts, if you did not sign up for Bill Payment Service at the time you enrolled, you may do so at any time by clicking on the ‘Bill Payment’ tab and following the instructions. Once you accept the Agreement, you will be ready to pay bills using NetConnect. Business Customers that did not sign up for Bill Payment Service during enrollment must complete a new NetConnect Business Online Banking Enrollment Application. The signed application must be mailed to St. Johns Bank or delivered to one of our branch locations.

Where can I review all the details about NetConnect?
  1. Just click on "Login" at the upper left of your viewing screen
  2. Under "Enroll", click on either "Personal" or "Business"
  3. It will take you directly to the NetConnect Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure.  This agreement contains details about our Online Banking services as well as information regarding important legal matters.
  4. Then click "Accept"
Or, you can call our Customer Service Call Center at (314) 428-1059 or (636) 939-3495 ext. 3025. The Call Center is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST) and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. 

If you would like a printed copy of our agreement mailed to you, please contact our Customer Service Call Center at (314) 428-1059 or (636) 939-3495, ext. 3025. 

The Call Center is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST) and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Or, you can make your request by sending a secure message from within NetConnect.

What types of Internet browsers can I use to access my accounts online?
You can use one of the following supported browsers to access your accounts online:

What if I am not using one of the supported browsers?
You may experience issues with Internet Banking. If this occurs, please download one of the browsers listed and attempt the action again.

Can I use a Beta version of one of the Browsers above?
We do not recommend using a Beta version of any browser. When new versions of browsers are fully tested and deemed compatible with the NetConnect, they will be updated on the supported browsers list.

The following types of browsers and tools are not recommended or supported for use with Internet Banking:
Embedded Browsers contained within Personal or Commercial Financial Management Software (Quicken, Quickbooks, Money, etc.)
Browser Add-Ins and Toolbars (IE 7 Pro, Google, Yahoo, etc.)
What is Cash Management?
Cash Management is a business online banking solution that can literally change the way you work. Gain even more control over your business accounts. Manage your funds more effectively. Operate more efficiently. Add users at your company while controlling the functions and accounts they access. And with Cash Management, you have the flexibility to pick and choose the services you need most.

What is Positive Pay?
Positive Pay allows us to work together to identify potential check fraud. Whenever you issue checks, you send us a file containing the check numbers and amounts. As these checks clear, we match your file against the incoming checks. Any discrepancy in amount or serial number is identified as suspect, and we notify you via the Cash Management system. Then you can make the decision either to pay the check or return it.

What is ACH Origination?
ACH Origination allows you to initiate credits and debits using the Automated Clearing House network. Collect payments sooner, better manage payments to take advantage of discounts or payment terms, eliminate trips to the bank, and instantly access important financial information. Use ACH to:

  • Electronically deposit payroll into your employees’ accounts
  • Collect payments from your clients
  • Transfer funds between companies
  • Exchange data and funds with trading partners
  • Originate payments to your vendors
  • Originate your state and Federal tax payment

What is Remote Deposit Capture?
Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) is a time saving and efficient way to scan checks and electronically deposit those items to your business account without ever leaving your office. Key features and benefits of Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) are:

  • Make deposits anytime without leaving your desk
  • Optimize availability of your funds
  • Avoid the fees associated with maintaining accounts at multiple banks
  • Reduce administrative expenses and trips to the bank
  • Eliminate the costs for couriers to transport checks.

What are Funds or Wire Transfers?
With Funds or Wire Transfers, you can electronically initiate domestic wire transfer of funds for same-day payments or to quickly move funds from one bank to another. Create a template and store wire transfer instructions for recurring transfers.

What do Cash Management Services cost?
For Cash Management, there is a one-time $50.00 installation fee and a monthly fee of $30. Additionally, Bill Payments are $.50 each. Positive Pay is $10.00 per month and $1 per upload. ACH Origination is $10.00 per month and $.16 per item. Remote Deposit Capture is $10 per month and users have the option of purchasing or leasing a scanner. Domestic Wire Transfers are $10.00 each. On-site visits are $25.00 per hour.

Where can I enroll in Cash Management?
To enroll/apply for Cash Management, please contact a Personal Banker at any of our locations or your Commercial Lender.
How do I know my banking information is secure?
We have extremely high criteria to protect the security of your banking information online, including:
  • Your banking information travels the Internet with encryption protection.
  • Log-in sessions have a time-out limit. When the limit is reached you are required to log-in again.
  • To deter password guessing, your access to NetConnect is denied after three unsuccessful login attempts. Unsuccessful login attempts are monitored. Your session will display the last successful login attempt including date and time.
Internet security is an ongoing process. We constantly work to provide security enhancements to ensure the integrity of our NetConnect Online Banking system.

What security measures does Online Banking use?
Online Banking uses several different methods to protect your information:
  • All information within Online Banking uses the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol for transferring data. SSL is encryption that creates a secure environment for the information being transferred between your browser and St. Johns Bank.
  • At a high level, SSL uses public key cryptography to secure transmissions over the Internet. In practice, your browser will send a message via SSL to the bank's server. The bank responds by sending a certificate, which contains the bank's public key. Your browser authenticates the certificate (agrees that the server is in fact St. Johns Bank), then generates a random session key which is used to encrypt data traveling between your browser and the bank's server. This session key is encrypted using the bank's public key and sent back to the server. The bank decrypts this message using its private key, and then uses the session key for the remainder of the communication.
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protects data in three key ways:
    • Authentication ensures that you are communicating with the correct server. This prevents another computer from impersonating St. Johns Bank.
    • Encryption scrambles transferred data.
    • Data integrity verifies that the information sent by you to St. Johns Bank wasn't altered during the transfer. The system detects if data was added or deleted after you sent the message. If any tampering has occurred, the connection is dropped.
What if I forget my login ID?
If you forget your NetConnect login ID, call our Customer Service Call Center at (314) 428-1059 or (636) 939-3495 ext. 3025. The Call Center is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST) and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon.

What if I forget my password?
If you have created a Personal Question & Answer and registered your current email address, you have the ability to reset your password yourself. If you have not done this, stop by any branch or call our Customer Service Call Center at (314) 428-1059 or (636) 939-3495 ext. 3025. The Call Center is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST) and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. We'll ask some questions for verification purposes and assign you a new temporary password.

How can I monitor the activity on my accounts?
We strongly encourage you to set up Event Alerts. These alerts, which you set up, will inform you when important transactions have occurred on your accounts.

What if I have multiple signers on my business account?
When your business is set up for NetConnect, you will only receive one Login ID and Password for all authorized signers. If you choose to share this with authorized signers on your account, they will be able to perform all Online Banking functions.
What kind of accounts can I view with NetConnect?
You can view your St. Johns Bank Checking, Savings, and Money Market accounts, as well as your CDs, loans, lines of credit, and safe deposit boxes. If you are a business owner operating as a sole proprietorship, you will be able to see your personal and business accounts together.

Can I access my business accounts through NetConnect?
Yes. If you're a business owner, simply enroll in NetConnect Online Banking for Business Accounts.

How is my financial information protected?
Protecting the privacy and security of your confidential financial information is a top priority. Online Banking uses state-of-the-art security levels with end-to-end encryption. Like an ATM "PIN", your accounts are protected with a password which you should not write down or disclose to anyone. To gain a greater level of protection, we recommend changing your Password on a regular basis. Only you should know your private Password, so you can be confident that your data is secure. Your Password is NOT known to your Internet service provider or to St. Johns Bank.

How frequently is my account information updated?
Since NetConnect is a real-time application, your account information (Current Balance and Available Funds) can change throughout the day based on the activity on your accounts.

How do I get a copy of a check or a statement?
Both checks and statements are available in NetConnect. To view a copy of a check or deposit ticket, from the Account Listing menu, simply click on the "View Image" link next to the item you wish to see. Once the image has loaded, you will have the option to Flip and Rotate the image as well. To view a bank statement, select the "Statements" menu and then select "View Details" for the statement you wish to see. You will have the option of viewing the statement as a PDF, HTML, or text format.
What types of accounts can I transfer funds to and from?
You can transfer funds between any of your St. Johns Bank checking and savings accounts. You can also transfer money to a loan or line of credit, resulting in a payment.

Are there limits on the number of transfers I can make?
NetConnect does not limit the number of transfers you can make, nor are there charges for those transfers. However, Federal Regulations limit the number of withdrawals and transfers on certain types of savings accounts and money market accounts. If you are unsure about the transaction restrictions on your accounts, please check with us by calling our Customer Service Call Center at (314) 428-1059 or (636) 939-3495 ext. 3025. The Call Center is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST) and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to Noon.

When will transfers take place?
Transfers entered before the cut-off time of 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST) on a bank business day are processed on the same bank business day. Transfers entered after the cut-off time or on a non-bank business day are processed on the next bank business day.

Can I set up recurring or future-dated transfers?
You may create one-time transfers that occur now or in the future. You can also create recurring transfers that occur on a weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis.